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How we helped ASCI promote self-regulation among government regulators

How we helped ASCI promote self-regulation among government regulators

Client: ASCI (Advertising Standards Council of India)
Industry: Advertising Regulation
Task: Strategy, Email marketing


ASCI aimed to showcase their commitment to upholding the Code of Self-Regulation in advertisements. The challenge lay in effectively reaching government regulatory bodies, which often proved to be a formidable task due to limited accessibility.

Key Insights

Recognizing the difficulty in reaching government officials directly, ASCI adopted a dual approach. First, they tapped into public databases containing information about government officials. Additionally, they engaged with relevant professionals on LinkedIn associated with local, state, or national government branches.



Rather than making promises about future actions, ASCI chose to spotlight their existing accomplishments. They emphasized how ASCI safeguarded the advertising ecosystem from irresponsible practices, thereby contributing to a more informed consumer base.

This message was distilled into a powerful statement: "We’re working to keep Advertising clean so that you don’t have to!" This included.

  • Tailored Email Campaigns:
  • Targeted governmental departments handling specific industries (e.g., TRAI for Telecom, FSSAI for F&B, etc.).
  • Monthly email updates showcasing ASCI's continuous efforts in curbing irresponsible advertisements and averting potential controversies.
  • Strengthened ASCI's reputation as a dedicated self-regulator in the eyes of government regulatory bodies.
  • Enhanced understanding and appreciation among officials regarding ASCI's pivotal role in maintaining a responsible advertising landscape.
How we helped ASCI promote self-regulation among government regulators